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Occasional Teaching

Working as occasional teachers gives us the opportunity to broaden our horizons. Interesting and challenging, it “offers the chance to exercise knowledge and creativity” (Survival Skills for Occasional Teachers, by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation), provides “the opportunity to experiment with different teaching strategies” and meet many different and thought-provoking characters along the way.

Ressources for Occasional teachers

"The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught,

as that every child should be given the wish to learn"

John Lubbock


Survive and thrive Virtual platform for beginner teacher offering many ressources for succesful beginings (including classroom management, teaching strategies or reflexive practices).


The Heart and Art of Teaching and Learning Practical Ideas and Resources for Beginning Teachers.



Reflection on the course

Help for Occasional Teachers My particular concern about occasional teaching, my chosen division, two surprising facts and two pieces of good advice for occasional teachers I found in Survival Skills for Occasional Teachers.


Occasional Teaching considerations

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